Thursday, May 21, 2009

21st May

How you can get connected 
Make the effort with family : Ask your family to stay in touch and try to plan regular meetings. If you have more spare time than them, accept that you may have to do more of the running around. Meanwhile, stay in touch with them through phone calls, texts and e-mails. 

Get out of the house daily : Even if it’s just to go to the shop, make an effort to go out. Smile at people and make conversation with someone you see regularly. Smiling not only releases feel-good chemicals, but it also attracts people. 

Learn a new skill : Learning something new keeps your brain active. Sometimes, it could open up a whole new world. 

Exercise : Not only does regular exercise help prevent heart disease and chances of a stroke, it can also slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. 

Join a group : If you choose something you’re really interested in — whether it’s walking, reading or music — you’ll instantly find that you’re with like-minded people. 

Be a volunteer : People who do voluntary work for two hours a week have lower depression rates and better health than those who don’t. 

Get a pet : Owning a pet helps lower blood pressure, boost immunity and ease depression. And walking a dog every day is a great way to get out and meet people.

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